La Publicación

These publications are part of the installation, together with the videos.

Thanks to a serie of footnotes (to the text but also to the images) the subtext of the guided visits become visible: the reference to the space, to the past events, to images behind are linked. 






the first four ones were produced by Arte e Investigación de Montehermoso, 2011

Texts: Pierre Gascar, Charles de Gaulle, Louise Michel, François Mitterand, Carme Nogueira, Manuel Segade

Translations: Andrea de Blaye (français)

Graphic design: ferranElOtro Studio

Print: Gràfiques Macià, L’Automàtica


Alhóngiga Bilbao printed them again in 2014 on occassion of the exhibition Una máquina desea instrucciones como un jardín desea disciplina winner of the  prix MARCO/FRAC Lorraine para jóvenes comisarios 2012, curated by Catalina Lozano.


The last four ones were published for the exhibition La Ville après les applaudissements. Des récits du Sud, curated by Manuel Segade in collaboration with On The Roof  in Le Pavillon Vendôme – Centre d’art Contemporain de la Ville de Clichy-la-Garenne (París).




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