Sinagoga del Tránsito, Site specific installation


AC/E Curator Jorge Díez

Museo Sefardí, Toledo

December 2011-Marz 2012


This intervention works with the different layers of the building and the different uses of it. It has been a synagogue, afterwards a catholic church and nowadays it is a museum. In the general context of the whole project, which commemorate the 200 years of the "Constitution of Cadiz" religion appears as the main topic. Although this constitution is known as the liberal one, the only permitted religion was the catholic. Toledo is an important city related to this issue as it is an especial example of a three cultures city. The cohabitation wasn´t equal, but the complexity of these relations is still visible in the Spanish culture.
This idea of the different heritages and the "colonization", we could say, of the catholic religion is in the background of the project. The different nuances are going to construct the visible, the same way the synagogue send to us an image of complexity, traces and meanings ones upon the others. A complexity that, maybe, we are used not to see despite it is very clear in the building in itself.

By the relocation of some pictures from the museum collection (usually they are not exhibited) and the metaphoric open of the woman´s door (by a picture) these traces become more visible.
The 6 selected images are placed in a wall that I constructed. This wall imitated and old choir stalls that used to be there long time ago. Six audio-guide, one for each picture, complete the installation.

The 21st January a guide visit taked place. In this visit: Tamara Díaz Bringas, Eduardo Sánchez Butragueño, Marta García, María Lois, Santiago Palomero y Antonio Lázaro Cebrián are invited to talk back to the audio-guides.